26. What are some examples of activities that may be eligible for Mid-Level Coalition Grants?

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • A coalition of organizations conducting research on how existing sub-national legislation relating to disability is in line (or not in line) with the CRPD;
  • A coalition of OPDs and women’s rights organizations advocating to ensure that district maternal and child health regulations and programs are inclusive of women and girls with disabilities and that services are accessible to them in line with CRPD Articles 6 (Women with disabilities), 25 (Health) and SDG 5: Gender Equality;
  • A coalition of OPDs and legal aid organizations, working on strategic litigation to advance changes in legislation at State (or regional, provincial or district) levels to ensure accordance with the CRPD;
  • A coalition of OPDs advocating for a place at the table in development of local development policies to implement the SDGs;
  • A coalition of OPDs petitioning government for allocation of funding to support legislative or policy implementation, such as inclusive education policies in line with CRPD Article 24 (Education) or allocation of disability-inclusive funding to implement SDG Goals;
  • A coalition of OPDs and other civil society groups working on budget analysis to better understand and influence allocation of funding to various issues, including disability, at governmental levels.