Information for Current Grantees

Woman with dark curly hair wearing orange top speaks in to a microphone
Member of ASUMEN speaks out, Lima, Peru

LEARNING WITH GRANTEES – a summary of findings from the Annual Grantee Survey and the Global Evaluation. Includes a sample of the 2020 – 2021 Grantee Survey Questions.

RESOURCES – an electronic library of resources on rights and other issues of interest. Please consult this searchable library regularly to access publications and reports that could be helpful to your work.

POLICIES – the policies that you are required to review and follow as a DRF (or DRAF) grantee.

LOGO – information on how and when to use the DRF (or DRAF) logo and trademark.

REPORTS AND FORMS – templates for reporting on your grant(s), including a form to request any change to your project. Please refer to your grant agreement to determine the appropriate reporting form(s) for your grant(s).

GRANTEE SURVEY– a sample of the 2020 – 2021 Grantee Survey Questions.

IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM DRF/DRAF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – a letter from DRF/DRAF’s Executive Director to grantees about preventing sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment.  (Read in Indonesian or French).

GUIDANCE FROM DRF/DRAF PROGRAM DIRECTOR DURING COVID-19 – correspondence from DRF/DRAF’s Program Director to grantees about requirements and safety during the pandemic.