Mid-Level Coalition Grants

The Mid-Level Coalition funding stream supports sub-national efforts to ensure that national legislation and policy which promotes and protects the rights of persons with disabilities is implemented at state (in a federal system), regional, provincial, or district levels, including through regulatory frameworks or establishment of disability-inclusive budgets. In addition, this funding stream supports sub-national level coalitions to advocate that development programs, policies and plans aiming to implement the SDGs at sub-national levels are inclusive of persons with disabilities and use the CRPD as a guideline, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Advocacy at sub-national levels is especially critical in federal systems and in decentralized political systems – which make up the majority of DRF/DRAF target countries.

Grants for Mid-Level Coalitions are disbursed to one lead OPD, which is responsible for coordinating the Coalition and managing the grant. Coalitions led by sub-national umbrella organizations or federations may include member OPDs as partners, but must also include at least one outside organization to be eligible. Both the applicant organization and the application aim must have sub-national scope.

Mid-Level Coalition grants range from USD 30,000 – 40,000 per year (USD 60,000 – 80,000 over two years). Grants will support activities to be implemented over the course of two years, however grants are given one year at a time. A second-year grant will be awarded only with satisfactory completion of the first year.

Mid-Level Coalition Grants Priority Areas

To be considered for funding, applications must address one of the priority areas detailed below:


1. Promoting gender equality and SOGIESC diversity

2. Advancing achievement of Global Disability Summit 2018 (GDS18) commitments and advocating for Global Disability Summit 2022 (GDS22) commitments

3. Ratification of the CRPD and/or the Optional Protocol (where not ratified), or of other international or regional human rights treaties relevant to the rights of persons with disabilities

PRIORITY AREAS SPECIFIC TO MID-LEVEL COALITION GRANTSMid-Level Coalition grants should be aimed at one of the following priority areas (or an area relevant to all funding streams):

1. Passage of specific sub-national legislation (including ordinances), policy, regulations, and/or budgetary priorities (including those related to COVID-19) to accord with the CRPD

2. Advocacy for inclusion of persons with disabilities in government programs (including programs disrupted by COVID-19), such as education, health, or justice, at the state (in a federal system), provincial, regional or district level in line with CRPD articles

3. Advocacy to ensure that development stakeholders and development planning at sub-national levels, to implement the SDGs, are inclusive of persons with disabilities and use the CRPD as a guiding document

Applicant Documents