2023 Women Deliver – DRF/DRAF events

1. Plenary Stage on SRHR with the participation of Catalina Devandas

When: Tuesday, July 18 1:30 pm to 3 pm Kigali time (CAT)

Accessibility: International Sign interpretation,  simultaneous interpretation in English, French, and Spanish.

The crises of the last few years have fundamentally altered the global health landscape. We are in the midst of an alarming reality in which the right to choose, bodily autonomy, and reproductive justice are continuously under attack. We have witnessed unprecedented push back against sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in the United States, Poland, El Salvador, Hungary, and others, but we have also seen momentous progress in countries like Argentina, Mexico, and Colombia. At the core of these setbacks and of these victories, lies the rights of girls, women, and gender diverse people to make autonomous decisions about their own body and reproductive functions, a cornerstone of gender equality.

This plenary discusses urgent challenges in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), specifically the right to bodily autonomy and the global impact of abortion restrictions.  Panelists, who are advocates, practitioners, funders, and duty bearers, will share their knowledge and experiences, providing insights into the significance of the right to bodily autonomy for SRHR, discussing its impact on personal agency, equality, and well-being as well as ways to ensure these rights endure.


2. Disability Solidarity Space hosted by DRF/DRAF, International Disability Alliance, Women Enabled International, VOICE and Disabled Women in Africa

When: July 18, 2023 at 2 pm to 3:15 pm Kigali time (CAT)

Accessibility: International Sign interpretation will be provided.

Register here.

Join us to celebrate the achievements and take stock challenges of the movement of women and gender-diverse people with disabilities, and to strategize on moving forward together to build stronger intersectional movements.

A green flyer with text: Disability Solidarity Space. Come join us in celebrating the accomplishments of the movements of women and gender-diverse people with disabilities and forge stronger intersectional movements. International Sign interpretation will be provided.


3. Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health: Good Practices from the Pacific (Virtual session co-hosted by DRF/DRAF, Pacific Disability Forum & Women Enabled International)

When: July 18, 7:45 am to 9 am Kigali time (CAT)

Accessibility: English-French/Spanish simultaneous interpretation, International Sign Language, and CART will be available.

Register here.

An estimated 17 percent of Pacific Island people have a disability, out of which, approximately 193,000 are young people 15–24 years old. In the Pacific, people with disabilities experience the same severe discrimination experienced around the world, when it comes to their SRHR. Nevertheless, SRHR information and services are generally inaccessible to them. The Pacific Disability Forum and its members have been tackling these barriers throughout the Pacific using innovative techniques and forging cross-movement partnerships to improve SRHR for not only Pacific islanders with disabilities but for everyone.

The session will be structured as a round-table dialogue between leaders from the Pacific disability rights movement on how they have pioneered and developed inclusive sexual and reproductive health services and related advocacy. Speakers will share the challenges and successes they have had in advocating for and developing inclusive sexual and reproductive health programming for everyone, including people with disabilities in their communities. Following the presentations, there will be a group dialogue about how these good practices can be replicated in other countries and key lessons learned.


  • Angeline Chand, Pacific Disability Forum (moderator)
  • Stephanie Copus Campbell, Ambassador for Gender Equality, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
  • Kathleen Taylor, International Programme Coordinator, United Nations Population Fund – Pacific Sub-Regional Office (UNFPA Pacific)
  • Sofia Minieri, Legal Advisor, Women Enabled International
  • Savaira Tinaivunivalu, Fiji Disabled People’s Federation, Fiji 
  • Ellena Kelly, People With Disabilities Solomon Islands and Women with Disability Empowerment Association
  • Faaolo Utumapu-Utailesolo, Programme Officer, Disability Rights Advocacy Fund 
Graphic with a dark green background.  The text says: JOIN OUR VIRTUAL SESSION Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health: Leadership and Good Practices from the Pacific JULY 18, 7:45 am-09:00 am (Kigali time) | Online