Our Donors

Disability Rights Fund donors include governments, foundations, corporations, and individuals. Together, these donors’ contributions advance the rights of persons with disabilities around the world.

Thank you to the donors that enable our work:

US Flag
Department of State Seal

logo for Adobe Foundation

Foundation for a Just Society logo

Logo for Channel Foundation

Dreilinden logo

Logo for WE Trust

Mina Fund

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation

UK Aid logo

Ford Foundation logo

Logo for the Global Fund for Women

Expedia Group logo

Logo for Ansara Family Fund at the Boston Foundation

Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation logo

Schmidt Family Foundation Logo

…and to the additional donors that wish to remain anonymous. Our sister fund, the Disability Rights Advocacy Fund, is supported by Australian Aid and the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

A big thank you as well to our individual donors, who are an important part of the DRF family. Individuals help us to raise visibility of disability rights efforts and leadership by persons with disabilities in their networks.

Special thanks to the law firm Goulston and Storrs for their pro bono legal services.

To inquire about partnership, contact Jen Bokoff, Director of Development, jbokoff@disabilityrightsfund.org.

The views expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect the official policies of any of our donors or the governments they represent.