
COSP14: Moving the Needle on Gender and Disability

We are so excited to announce that the recording of our COSP14 side event, Moving the Needle on Gender and Disability: from gender aware to gender transformative, is now available on Youtube w/ Captioning and International Sign included. You may view the recording here below.


On the occasion of the 14th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD

The Disability Rights Fund (DRF), the Disability Rights Advocacy Fund (DRAF), Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), & Women Enabled International (WEI) invite you to attend:

Moving the Needle on Gender and Disability: from gender aware to gender transformative

Date: 15th June, 2021 (Tuesday)
Time: 8:30am EDT/ 3:30pm EAT/ 6:00pm IST  

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the vulnerability of women and girls with disability to violence and discrimination, affecting their right to live independently and be included in the community. The pandemic threatens to reverse gains achieved from years of advocacy that had started to ensure gender policies and programs were disability-inclusive in line with the UN CRPD and that women and girls with disabilities were increasingly visibile within disability and feminist movements. In this session, the Disability Rights Fund and the Disability Rights Advocacy Fund will bring together local and global voices to hear about best practices and chart out a path for a gender transformative recovery, where disabled women, girls, and gender and sexually diverse populations are working within their communities to shift power dynamics, address inequalities and create an inclusive environment for everyone to build ‘forward’ better.


  1. Cheryl Urban,  Director General, Economic Development and International Financial Institutions, Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
  2. Diana Samarasan, Founding Executive Director, DRF and DRAF
  3. Dominique Masson, Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies, University of Ottawa
  4. Yeni Rosa Damayanti, Chair, Indonesian Mental Health Association (IMHA)
  5. Joseph Wandega, Executive Director, Out, Loud and Proud Minority Support Association of Uganda
  6. Amanda McRae, Director of UN Advocacy, Women Enabled International
  7. Maryangel Garcia Ramos, FounderMujeres Mexicanas con Discapacidad

CART and International Sign have been provided.

During this side event, DRF/DRAF shared resources, for the full list of resources click here.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

Download the Invitation (Word)

Download the event’s postcard (PDF)

For information about other COSP14 side events that DRF/DRAF is participating in, click here.

DRF COSP14 Side event poster with event details