Our Model: Theory of Change & 5-Year Strategic Plan

Disability in Numbers
1 in 6
1 in 6 people globally live with a disability, representing 16% of the world’s population.
1 in 5
1 in 5 women globally live with a disability, experiencing multiple and exacerbated levels of violence and exclusion.
Merely 4% of all human rights funding resources disability rights.
Click here to see the PDF version of our Theory of Change.
DRF's 5-Year Strategic Plan
Disability-Led Futures for a Just World: DRF's Path to 2029: Our 5-year strategic plan embodies our unwavering commitment to unleash the power of disability rights movements in the Global South and celebrate disability pride. Our work is evolving, working in solidarity with movements with an intersectional feminist approach. And it draws on the power of organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) to demand new rules for accountability amidst a loud rhetoric on equity with little action from philanthropy to resource diverse disability movements in the Global South.

Cross-cutting priorities