
The Disability Rights Fund (DRF) is committed to the public good, accountability to the public, responsible stewardship of resources, and the highest ethical standards. Our values are supported by policies and procedures that we expect our staff, global advisors, and board to follow. We also expect our grantees to adhere to the standards outlined in these policies.

Anti-Fraud Policy

  1. Anti-Fraud Policy (English)
  2. La Politique anti-fraude (French)
  3. Anti Fraud Policy (Burmese)
  4. Kebijakan Anti Penipuan (Bahasa Indonesia)

Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment

  1. Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (English)
  2. Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (PSEAH) (English Easy to Read Version)
  3.  La Politique sur la prévention de l’exploitation, les atteintes et le harcèlement sexuels(French)
  4. Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment (Burmese)
  5. Kebijakan tentang Pencegahan Eksploitasi, Kekerasan dan Pelecehan Seksual (Bahasa Indonesia)

Child Protection Policy

  1. Child Protection Policy (English)
  2. La Politique de protection de l’enfant (French)
  3. Child Protection Policy (Burmese)
  4. Kebijakan Perlindungan Anak (Bahasa Indonesia)

Code of Ethics

  1. Code of Ethics (English)
  2. Code d’éthique (French)
  3. Code of Ethics (Burmese)
  4. Kode Etik (Bahasa Indonesia)

Political Activity and Lobbying Memo

  1. Political Activity and Lobbying Memo (English)
  2. Activité politique et Lobby (French)
  3. Political Activity and Lobbying Memo (Burmese)
  4. Kegiatan dan Lobi Politik (Bahasa Indonesia)

Open Information Disclosure Policy

  1. Open Information Disclosure Policy (English)
  2. Other languages coming soon.

Whistleblower Protection Policy

  1. Whistleblower Protection Policy (English)
  2. La Politique de protection des lanceurs d’alerte (French)
  3. Whistleblower Protection Policy (Burmese)
  4. Kebijakan Perlindungan Pelapor Pelanggaran (Bahasa Indonesia)

Executive Compensation Policy

  1. Executive Compensation Policy (English)
  2. Other languages coming soon.

Risk Management Policy

  1. Risk Management Policy (English)
  2. La Politique de gestion des risques (French)
  3. Risk Management Policy (Burmese)
  4. Kebijakan Manajemen Risiko (Bahasa Indonesia)

Reporting Suspected Abuse of Individuals

  1. Reporting Suspected Abuse of Individuals Policy (English)
  2. La Politique sur le signalement des cas présumés de maltraitance envers des personnes(French)
  3. Reporting Suspected Abuse of Individuals Policy (Burmese)
  4. Kebijakan Pelaporan Dugaan Pelecehan Seseorang (Bahasa Indonesia)